TERRA Sand on Dirt Barreiro Portugal 2024
TERRA was created during a residency at PADA Studios in Portugal within the former Companhia União Fabril Industrial Park. Once a hub for shipbuilding and heavy industry, the massive park is now closed to the public and scattered with abandoned structures. The park’s bright purple landscape is due to an overabundance of residual iron in the ground. TERRA is made using sand from one area rearranged in another. Intended to decay naturally over time, the work mirrors abandoned human-made structures in the park.
This project was completed as part of a residency at PADA Studios with the support of Alberta Foundation of the Arts.
GROW III Non-toxic Dye and Fertilizer on Grass Calgary AB Canada 2023
GROW III is the third instalment of an experimental work on a small green space in Ramsay Community in Calgary. The work is a 110’ x 110’ temporary drawing on the grass made using non-toxic grass dye mixed with fertilizer and iron.
GROW II Non-toxic Dye and Fertilizer on Grass Calgary AB Canada 2023
GROW II is the second instalment of an experimental work on a small green space in downtown Calgary. The work is a 17000 square foot temporary drawing on the grass made using non-toxic grass dye mixed with fertilizer and iron. The intention of the work is to be highly visible for a few weeks until the dye washes away. Then, as the season progresses the fertilizer and iron take effect, encouraging the work to re-emerge as lush, dark green grass.
This project was completed with the support of Calgary Downtown Association and the City of Calgary. Photos by Nic Nolet.
GROW Non-toxic Dye and Fertilizer on Grass Calgary AB Canada 2021
GROW is an experimental work installed onto a grass field in Northern Calgary. The objective of the project was to provide the community with a novel and sustainably fabricated temporary public art installation which did not impede the use of the park. GROW is a 100’ by 100’ temporary drawing on the grass completed using non-toxic grass dye mixed with fertilizer and iron. The intention of the work is to be highly visible for a few weeks until the dye washes away. Then as the season progresses the fertilizer and iron take effect, encouraging the work to re-emerge as lush, dark green grass.
This project was completed with the support of the Mount Pleasant Community Association, the Parks Foundation and the City of Calgary.